Q: What is this mod?

A: The basic premise is that Hubert Humphrey, Mayor of Minneapolis, catches the flu and is absent from the 1948 Democratic Convention, and is unable to give his famous speech in favor of the civil rights plank, which then fails. This puts American history on a more conservative course. MacArthur's apparent victory in Korea leads to overconfidence among the American foreign policy elite, which backfires horribly in an expanded Vietnam War. The lack of meaningful domestic reform and cutbacks on the New Deal combined with this led to heightened tensions, political polarization, and extremism throughout the following decades, coming to a dramatic head in the spring of 1969.

Q: Why is the map just US states? Wouldn't a civil war be more chaotic?

A: The civil war has yet to begin in earnest by game start, and instead the instability is represented by the increased autonomy of state governments under the Goldwater administration. This allows us to deal in greater detail with local politics, and take a more granular approach to the civil war. Only some of the state governments playable at the game start will continue to be represented as independent tags over the course of the game, and borders will shift drastically.

The President's of the United States of America before the Second Civil War